Threshold T200?

I'm auditioning a Threshold T200 amp. Not a lot of slam, but for what I listen to -- mostly classical and jazz -- it sounds great.

It's hard to find anything about this amp online, as the company went under, then resurrected under new ownership.

Any issues with this amp? Should I take the plunge?
I owned a T400 several years ago. It was a fantastic sounding amp. My only concern would be the output transistors. In the T series amps Threshold used IGBT output transistors, which are now obsolete. So if one of the transistors should bite the dust (remote, but always a possibility), the amp would need a quite extensive rebuild. As I'm sure you would have to then replace all of the transistors as well as any other ancillary components.

You may get more detailed information from Jon Soderberg at Vintage Amp Repair.

I own a T-200 and I am very pleased with it. I am running it with Martin Logan's. As far as taking the plunge, it depends on the price. I purchased my from the orginal owned for $1000.00. The resurrected Threshold company will rebuild T-200's and T-400's and include a three year warranty. I have not done this but I might someday.
Thanks for the info. 1K sounds like a great deal. Here, the asking price is $1400 from an audio dealer.

I saw the rebuild offer from Threshold. Looks good, but I don't have that kind of cash.

Is $1400 too much? A-gon bluebook avg price is $1820 and the bluebook at the audio store said $1650. So $1400 looked like a deal to me. But maybe I should offer less?

The amp continues to sound great with my Revels...