Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

For those of you with an Elma or similar unit, how is the design in this area. Maybe, like a household sink, the water outlet should be in the center of the tank?
@Slaw - Which Elmasonic machine do you use?  On the Elma P120h there are two rows of three transducers organized on the tank bottom.  I suspect that placing a drain in the center of the tank would disrupt that layout and possibly impact dispersion of the cavitation action.-

One idea is to run your pump/filter for 10-15 minutes prior to starting a cleaning session or alternatively do that every week whether you clean or not.  Another is to use a TDS meter to gauge water/solution purity. 

I don't know the layout of your setup.  Presumably you have the pump prior to the filter(s).  Not questioning your approach, I'm a bit surprised at the need for two filters.  Which cannisters do you use?  I switched to a .35 micron filter.  Have not seen the condition you describe.

I don’t own an Elma.

I actually have the pump after the filters. My thinking was this would increase the pump’s lifespan.

Installed the larger pump this morning. Went from 1gpm to 1.2gpm.

I would like to get a TDS meter. (Actually, just ordered one)

I have my set-up posted on my virtual system page.
I’m about 30 records into using the Audio Desk and it really does an amazing job. My only problem is that (1) the rollers on one side seem to struggle a little bit and don’t fully contact the record all the way up, which sometimes leave a strip of uncleaned surface on the inside. (2) the water level only usually gets to half way through the last track, which means that area doesn’t benefit from ultrasonic. Anyone else have these problems?

Check that the roller is installed correctly. There are 2 pins at the bottom of the unit that the rollers connect to. I have missed one of the pins when reinstalling the rollers after cleaning them. The roller will turn but not clean correctly. Something to check, hope it helps.