Tidal and MQA..two questions.

Tidal seems to be in financial trouble as it has been reported in many news outlets. Jay-Z is having problems with not paying artists and paying two artists too much money.
1. Therefore if Jay-Z was forced to sell the artist owned company ...who would bail it out?
2. Also are there any other streaming services that offer MQA content (other than Tidal)?

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None of the streaming services have ever turned a profit.  When Spotify was preparing for their IPO a few months ago, they publicized their prediction that, in 2018 they would turn the corner and start turning a profit.
A few weeks ago metrics for the music industry were published and downloaded content declined, while CDs and vinyl held their own, the increases were all on the streaming side.
I suspect that the business of streaming music will follow the video streaming companies, and start raising their prices.  They'll need to, to stay in business.  A few months ago Netflix added a few bucks a month to their price; there were some negative comments for a few days, but I'd be surprised if they lost that many subscribers as a result of the price increase.
It's hard to see Tidal succeeding in the long term. There just isn't a strong enough value prop over Spotify for most users. All of my friends at work (tech millennials) have Spotify, I'm not aware of a single Tidal user except the fringe audiophiles.

Re: what will happen to MQA, everyone does realize that MQA is just lossy compression + DRM of high-res content into a roughly standard-res stream, yes? We won't be losing anything SQ wise if the format goes away, just convenience. A service could easily come along and stream 24/96 FLAC, for instance. Whether there's a business case for that (or MQA for that matter) is another question.
Tidal sounds worlds better than Spotify and I sure hope Sprint or another entity purchases it and continues to make it better.  
@grannyring right, MQA does certainly sound better than Spotify’s highest quality (320kbps MP3). We would lose the only practical "audiophile-quality" streaming service if Tidal goes away. Will enough people care, at least from a business perspective? I doubt it - our niche isn’t nearly big enough to support a music service at the scale needed for it to have market value.
Sorry Tidal is NOT the only audiophile quality streaming service out there.

Deezer is also up at red book CD at 16/44.
Admittedly no MQA level but miles ahead of Spotify or Pandora.

Then we also have Quboz ready to launch in the USA soon.

I certainly hope Tidal survives in one shape or form but there ARE other hirez options.