Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray

Hello all,

I've been reading about Tidal speakers and was curious if anyone ever heard the Tidal Sunray or perhaps any other of their speakers.

The Sunray has 2x7" ceramic mid ranges, a 1.2" diamond tweeter and 4x9" woofers per speaker.

Based on the reading/research I've done it appears that Tidal manages to use the advantages of ceramic/diamond drivers, being detailed, transparent and fast, but managed to control their drawbacks namely potentially dry, clinical and thin sounding.

I currently use the Marten Coltrane but the Tidal appears very interesting as upgrade.

Appeciate if anyone is able to give their views on this speaker based on a listening session and if you agree with the above sound.

Also your view of this speaker in comparison with eg. the Avalon Isis, Rockport Altair, Peak Consult Dragon and Magico M5 is appreciated.

Many many thanks
I am never listening to Tidals again, since the Sunday experience I cannot enjoy music at home anymore....lol
The Magico Q5's were one of the better sounding speakers at the show (Purist, TAD and Raidho were at the same/higher level). The Magicos were very dynamic and coherent. The Tidal Sunrays were quite different and not as good (remember that for some reason they were quite different on the two days I heard them). The Tidals had good micro details and transparency. Something was odd with dynamics and harmonics though and I suspect the Tidal amps had something to do with this. Vinyl was very good and the Da Vinci turntable and Tidal preamp shone. All in all, the Tidal room was not up to expectations/hopes but I can't help but think the speaker is capable of more than what I heard. FYI, I preferred the Kharma room.
Fizzeltop, Thanks for the update. I am leaning towards buying a pair of the Q5's.
Fizzletop that's funny, I went on two different days to the Kharma room, sat in the best sit and couldn't stay more than 5 minutes! It just sounded, fake...Too much middle low frequencies, huge images and no resolution at all!

In the Tidal room you could sometimes swear you were attending a live performance!

Kind regards,

Sorry guys but the Magico systems I heard in the High End Show were very mediocre comparing to Tidal on Sunday. Magico just sounded fake (especially the ones driven by the Soulution amplifiers, the other model driven by Spectral was slighlty better)...