I ran a pair of Red Dragon M1000 MkII’s for two years. I found them to be dead quiet, accurate, revealing , with solid imaging and they threw a wide soundstage, they did not however have a lot of depth of field. I agree with other owners of class D amps, they are a bargain particularly, if you need a lot of power.
I can only speak for my experience with the Red Dragon ICE technology. I listen to music between 15-20 hours a week on average in a dedicated listening room. I enjoyed the M1000’s for the first year or so immensely but gradually found that the initial intrigue of their positive sonic attributes was lacking something. I finally concluded, that for me the music was not emotionally engaging. It took a lot of listening to reach this conclusion, if I listened less frequently or was primarily interested in musical detail or frequency response I may never of reached this conclusion. I recognize that many class D owners enjoy their amplifiers and this is only my opinion. The M1000’s will be going in to a home theater application.