Amen, brother. I don't believe any class D amp user or fan is claiming they absolutely are the best overall amp type, that they sound the best, reproduce a certain frequency range the best or are the best amp for everyone.
Personally, I'm just claiming in absolute terms that class D amps are the quietest amp type, are the most electrically efficient amp type, are the coolest running amp type and are typically the smallest and lightest type. In more subjective and relative terms, I personally claim that good quality class D amps offer very good overall sound quality from top to bottom, are generally and relatively more affordable than other amp types and, therefore, are generally better bargains than other amp types.
Of course, I realize our choice of which amp to purchase is a subjective one based on more than just personal preference and budget. The truth is I don't actually give a hoot which amp type individuals choose to purchase. I'm absolutely certain that I get more pleasure listening to my class D amp than I would ever get from convincing anyone else to use a class D amp.
My main intent, based on my personal experience, is usually just spreading the word that class D amps were a very good choice in my system with my inefficient Magnepan speakers. My expectation is that some individuals will find my comments useful, some will be offended and most won't give a sh$t.