You can't use unshielded Grado cartridges on a Technics 1200. The issue here is that most people can't recognize quality and/or restrictions amongst components, like in the previous example. If asked to explain the reasons why they are pro or against this or that TT the majority won't be able to explain. Like Viridian said--they just parrot out TT choices.
This subject is very important, because we cannot always A/B everything we want--and this is especially so with TT & cartridges. Right now the only two TTs that have upgrade paths are the 1200 and the VPI (is SOTA still around?).
Dennis, interconnects and tonearm wire differences between the Teres and 1200 account for no small amount in their sonic differences. Also, as explained several times before, the tonearm fluid damper transforms the 1200 into a whole different beast. I bet you're not using any $25 interconnect between your Teres and phono stage. I haven't forgotten about your speaker wires--haven't ordered any yet...
This subject is very important, because we cannot always A/B everything we want--and this is especially so with TT & cartridges. Right now the only two TTs that have upgrade paths are the 1200 and the VPI (is SOTA still around?).
Dennis, interconnects and tonearm wire differences between the Teres and 1200 account for no small amount in their sonic differences. Also, as explained several times before, the tonearm fluid damper transforms the 1200 into a whole different beast. I bet you're not using any $25 interconnect between your Teres and phono stage. I haven't forgotten about your speaker wires--haven't ordered any yet...