Time to replace speakers, suggestions wanted

I have enjoyed my Totem Rokks for about 8 years now. Recently I noticed the distinctive sound of the paper separating on the left mid-range. So I will start the search for replacement speakers and will limit my search to full range towers. I listen to mostly rock from acoustic to hard and I am looking to get back into vinyl soon. Fidelity is important. I have heard Aerial 7B's and was very impressed. They might be a bit much for my system. I would appreciate input on speakers to audition.

My system consists of Marantz 63SE CD, Adcom GDA600 D/A, Rotel RC-990BX pre, 2 bridged Rotel RB-980BX amps (horizontally bi-amping to keep leads as short as possible), all fed by a Rotel RLC900 line conditioner. I also have a Paradigm powered sub, but I hope this will go away.

My listening room is the 15x20 L part of my finished basement. Berber carpet, bare (for now) walls, and 8' drop ceiling.
The 7B is a very good speaker. I've heard on several occasions. Very recently I had the chance to hear the ACI Talisman. All I can say is, this is one terrific speaker. The fellow's listening setup was decent but not spectacular. The room was pretty live. Yet man did I hear music from those towers. The dynamics were very potent yet they were not harsh or in your face. Soundstage was as good as I've heard anywhere. They are my dream system.
Dan, normally I would do a bit of research prior to responding but I have a house full of guests so ...

Anyway, for a speaker repair, you do not have to go to the manufacturer. Check the yellow pages under "speakers". If you can't find anything in your area, check two things: 1) The back pages of any Stereophile magazine (lots of good ads back there) and/or 2) Go to yahoo.com and click on "advanced search" then type in "speaker repair" and start hunting (actually, you can do the same with threads here on Audiogon). Sorry I can't give a more precise answer, but I have to hurry. Good luck.
You could replace the speaker yourself, likely for under $75, and in less then an hours work even if you have never soldered before. Contact your speaker manufacturer and ask them to sell you a replacement, or look around online for the driver, I'm sure you'll find one...
Thanks again on the fix suggestions, guys! That will certainly provide a future for these speakers.

Anyone have more suggestions for speaker upgrades?
If you like the Totems, then try the Forest or the Wind;
personally I liked them better than the Aerial 7s. Of course
the maggie 1.6s would be my first choice.