Time to upgrade the pre-amp.

I am currently running and ARC SP-16l into an Art Audio PX-25 power amp which feeds a pair of Blumenhofer Genuin FS2s (94db). I listen to mostly vinyl atm, and I have an external phono stage (Icon PS1 mkii). I think at this point, the pre-amp is the weak link.

Although I am not wedded to buying another ARC preamp, I am leaning in that direction due to company reputation, longevity, accessibility of local dealers (Northern NJ) and resale value, though I am definitely looking for that full mid-range and "musicality" typically associated with all tube architectures.

I have an opportunity to buy an SP-11 for $4,000, and from what I am seeing, if I wait, I may be able to get an SP-10 in that same range. However, for ~$2,000 more, I could likely get a Ref 5SE, which would be the top of the budget, but has in addition to any sonic advantages, a remote and tube hour tracker.

My questions are: (1) is it worth holding out for the newer Ref series (~10 yrs old at this point) vs the SP10/11 which are 40 years old at this point; and (2) if it comes between the SP10 and SP11, What I have read here is that the SP10 is all tube, but while that unit’s phono stage is particularly strong, the rest of the line inputs are not up to the SP-11. If it turns out that they are close, I would likely choose the SP10 between those two.

Very interested in how folks think about this.


@curiousjim I’m the same way. I used to have between 15-45 tubes in my system at any given time (the higher end of that number due to Atma-Sphere monoblocks at one point), but now I am fully solid state as well, no more tubes in any components. T+A and Audionet changed the way I perceived solid state, and I have recently since become a dealer for both. 

though I am definitely looking for that full mid-range and "musicality" typically associated with all tube architectures.

Not sure ARC would be my choice for this type of sound.  You’ve got other better recommendations for that above, and I’ll add VAC.  Best of luck. 

I owned a BHK preamp for four years and as the OP's amp is SE I would disagree that the BHK is a good choice.  The BHK is best matched with a fully balanced amp unless the increased clicking noise from the "unique" volume control with a SE amp doesn't bother you.  As I tried it with five different SE amps the problem is not with the connected amps.  Also very fussy about needing almost perfectly triode balanced tube sections.  The LS-100 from Modwright which I owned before the BHK is a better choice in my opinion for the OP's amp.

SP10 is a classic.  I have had one for 40 years. It has given great pleasure.  It was state of the art when introduced.  Although very accurate and detailed, it is a but soft for some relative to today's high-end amps. You could call it a 'classic' sound and it is very good it that is your bag.  SP10 is all valve.  SP11 is hybrid.  On introduction, many reviewers mourned the demise of the SP10 as the transistors did change the sound.

Yes, capacitors and valves have been replaced in my SP10, but it is not my main pre-amp now;   I have a Ref 6.  Removing the rose coloured specs, Ref 6 is clearly a much better pre-amp than SP10.  But when I listen to the SP10 in my second system (all iconic old pieces) there is unmistakenly a warm pride of ownership and reminiscence.

So there you go OP.  Unless you are a fan of an older warmer sound or, like me, are a bit of an anachrophile, go for the modern amp.

Best performance with that PX25 is going to have very little gain due to the high sensitivity of that amp.  The Art Audio Conductor or Conductor Simply MKii has an active tube stage with no gain (changes impedance) for optimal performance.  Whatever you choose, do your best to keep the gain in the preamp low.  Avoid CJ, KR, etc...