to fb or not to fb... that is the ?

I have been in a few audio fb clubs and have found that they are not well monitored... and some people get on just to attack and put people down. If you post... you are fair game. However... it is a great place for uploading and sharing photo's, videos, information, and events. To get away from all the yahoos... I have started a fb club where if someone is there just to cause trouble... they will be removed. So... just seeing if there is any interest. Currently only 16 members. It's called Audiophiles - High End Audio.
Thanks for the heads up, just sent a request to join your group.  Let’s get on with the “productive” discord without all the bashing.
Thanks for accepting me into the group.  Are those Marten Djangos on the group pic?
I belong to a number of FB audio pages-- RARELY if EVER do I see trolls. Most people are BY FAR courteous and respectful of one another.  That said FB grows more evil by the day and I find myself using it less and less. Their policy to allow blatantly false political ads is a threat to democracy-- especially given how many people are ignorant of this fact. The leadership behaves like sociopaths... they also like to help foreign autocratic governments suppress dissent and target political enemies-- as does Google and Microsoft. When they say things like "don't be evil" they are not referring to themselves, they're referring to you.