To power strip or not

Hi, folks

To many this mayn’t be a question, or rather an option at all, but do you all use a power strip in your hifi setup where a range of components are used? If not do you connect directly to a series of wall outlets, or other? In my case I’ve skipped a power strip and replaced it with screw terminals for the lead and return wires respectively (and ground ditto, if used), all bundled in a small box. This way the bare conductor ends of my DIY power cables meet each other directly without connectors or other in between. Sonically, to me, this is the way to go, although it’s less practical when disconnecting, adding or switching components.

Using power strips what are your thoughts on their different incarnations - be they the cheap Home Depot style version of more (expensive) audiophile ditto - and their effect on the sound in your setup? What do you yourself use? If you've experimented comparing power strips with wall outlets-direct or other also, please share your thoughts here as well. 

I use this Tripp-Lite power strip and find it has no ill effects compared to direct plugging into wall outlets!

I also use a FURMAN for my other system!
More often than not what would seem logically to work best turns out to be beaten hands down by something you cannot explain. Go get a 20 year old Synergistic Research Master Coupler power cord for $175-250 and when you hear how sick it makes everything else you have sound get back to me. I like to DIY, built my turntable, several speakers, interconnects, etc and modded a bunch of stuff. Which is how I know what you can DIY well and what you just can not. Certain things it does make sense. Power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, power conditioners, power strips- forget about it. Unless you really enjoy tinkering. Some guys just love soldering and screwing so much its worth it to them. Just don't kid yourself. Every single one I have made, tried or heard was utterly slayed by what could be bought new or used for far less than your cost of parts. Tired of telling the story of the 30-year DIYer whose masterpiece was crushed by something cheap, old, and random pulled from my used cable drawer. Okay in reality the cable was fine. It was him that was crushed when he heard how awful it was compared to really old cheap crap I had long since discarded.

Wish I could tell you what to get but sadly you just have to try a bunch of stuff out and buy- not make, waste of time and money, but buy- whatever sounds best in your system and to your ears.

I use a power strip out of necessity, and about 10 years ago I upgraded from a cheap generic to a Tripp Lite with all outlets star grounded, and it was an audible improvement. I also have it raised off the floor on cable lifters that I made.   
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I would suggest using a high-quality power strip with high grade or audio grade outlets. Something like these for example:

Purchase already built or DIY, as long as you are using the higher-end outlets. I also like the Furman PST-8.