That’s the advice you get from ’amateurs’....🤪
HERE is the ’reality’ from Mark Doehmann, responsible for the designs of the Continuum Caliburn and Criterion turntables as well as his own Doehmann Helix 1 and Helix 2 turntables.....all of which are carefully designed with the tonearm mounting bases ISOLATED from the bearing and plinth 👍
Sorry Halcro, you fail to understand that both can be true.
Here is the brief from Dohmann...
The new ’table retains a somewhat simplified version of the unique "floating" armboard technology originally found in Mark Döhmann’s earlier designs, which physically isolates the board while maintaining (it is claimed) positional stability.
So Dohmann claims to provide BOTH isolation AND postitional stability.
I have not personally deconstructed the Dohmann but I understand that it uses a series of interlocking plates and composite materials to provide both isolation and maintain positional stability of the arm relative to the platter.
We are after all trying to measure a micro groove with the stylus - the stylus mounted on the armboard, the groove is mounted on the platter.
Any lack of rigidity between the platter and armboard will result in inaccurate measurment of the record groove. Its that simple.
If you want to perform an experiment - try measuring the height of your house whilst bouncing on a trampoline - you could post a video on you tube with and without the trampoline and we can then give you some feedback.