Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
If you would have read more of my answers you would have know that it is not about me.

This is what others make from it. I want to wake up other people to give customers a better sound.

The world of audio is big, I am just a minor fraction. People in audio have to focus more on quality instead of focussing on earning money.

Every single person deserves a sound to die for. The world of audio needs to change. This is why I write the way I write.

Just show what you can do.........

I hope people will get more emotion instead of a box!
"This is what others make from it. I want to wake up other people to give customers a better sound."

This is what I am talking about?? Tell us "HOW" we are supposed to achieve this?? Tell us what components & speakers you found to have that magical synergy and maybe some more suggestions as to cables & PC's that make all the magic 3D come together. (Rooms aside of coarse):o)

Thanks for any insight.

I will try to explain how it started why my focus is on 3D sound these days.

I started to work in audio in 1998. In the first years I was addicted to it. I went to many shows, distributers and other shops. You hear a lot. You remember the things you like.

In 1999 I bought the 802 Nautilus. I bought it because I loved the sharp individual focus. I knew it did not have a lot of depth, but for me the individuel focus was more important than depth.

We sold Avalon, and I liked the deep and wide stage a lot. But the individual focus of instruments and voices was of a much lower level than my 802N. It was not perfect either.

When you hear and test a lot your knowledge and insight in music and audio grows. Audio can become quite addictive. Also for me. You want more and better. After time I had it in my head what I wanted.

I wanted a big and wide stage, but within this wide and deep stage I wanted the same sharp and realistic focus of instruments as my B&W 800 Signature.

I thought about buying the B&W 800D. But after audition them a few times, I thought; Noooooo...I want a wide and deep stage as well. As a perfectionist you want more and better. It could not give me the thing I wanted.

In 2007 I started to sell Monitor Audio. I bought the whole Platinum series for the shop I worked. I had all the freedom to choose my own products.

These days Monitor Audio gives me the freedom to build a big and wide stage with a sharp and intimate focus within this stage.

When you test and compare all the time. You can create much easier a higher quality in sound.

My way of testing gives me the different properties each tool owns. When you understand and know the properties you can make combinations of tools togheter.

Tools togheter make a sound and stage. You can create it as you want it to become.

I use the properties of the brands I sell. Only these togheter can give me a wide and deep stage, a stunning sharp individual focus, blacks, resolution and an involving sound.

That it why I choose speakers, amps, sources, cables, conditioners who all can build a wide and deep stage.

Because I know that there are a lot more who do not have the quality to build this stage as I want it to be.

I am Always open for new products. I like to audition new audio. When it does not give the properties where I am looking for it is not interesting for me.

Until now I did not find a better way to create a higher endresult. For me it is very effective. But I only can speak for myself.

I understand that it is a lot different than others do. But that is who I am; different!
06-15-14: Bo1972
If you would have read more of my answers you would have know that it is not about me.
And your last post is all about YOU and nothing else!!

Congratulations, you may have set a record for using "I" the most times in a single post!!
I can understand some of the younger audiophiles being obsessed with achieving a 3D soundstage because that's all they know. I've been involved in audio since the mid-1970s and I have evovled beyond 3D, past 4D and I'm now experimenting with N-dimensional sound. Modern physics tells us that while we may only experience three physical dimensions plus time, there actually may exist multiple micro-dimensions. In most 2D or 3D capable systems these micro dimensions are uncorrelated and working against each other, but I have been able to assemble systems that align the sound properties of these micro-dimensions to achieve higher order N-dimensional sound. Not everybody can do this, but I with my extra decades of knowledge can.

I realize that I am beyond even the cutting edge of current audio reproduction and that many will dismiss my claims due to the petty jealousies endemic to the audiophile world, but I will not be deterred. Starting tonight I will be flooding the audiophile internet forums with my non-stop claims of how I can achieve N-dimensional sound. Once you've have an experience with the N-dimensional soundstage that I can produce you'll never go back to simple 3D sound again. Reality is much more real than you think it is and I will relentlessly tell you about it. I know more than you do and I want you to know it too.