Oh the one mentioned I've heard, I think the Evolution MMM, Selah Veritas, and Vapor Cirrus are all excellent. I'd ad Fritz's Carbon 7 to this list, at under 2k. I'd expect of these would play pretty well with SS amplification, and I'm betting with any of them, a bit of grunt would be helpful in your middle-sized room.
Cirrus may be the most impressive on this list, to many ears. It is also the priciest, but it competes with speakers that are a lot pricier.
I prefer all of the above to the Dyn C1, and also to the Totem monitor I've heard (can't remember name, but top of their range).
There are lots of good choices here, and no substitute for hearing them *in your room, with your kit*. I believe Selah and Fritz in particular will be very helpful on this.