Top Ten Tuners of all Time??

To start this thread I vote for the Yamaha T 1. At its price performance,little to touch it period. Whats your vote?
i actually think my little Magnum FT-11 sounds better (paid $300 for a used one) than my $3000 dollar Naim CD Player. to the point i listen to it more than digital.
Magnum Dynalab "The Etude". For the money I don't believe there is better. The quality is more noticeable on the serious radio stations that don't compress their signals. Usually these are the classical and jazz stations. The Etude picks them up cleanly and sets up a beautiful soundstage, due to its great seperation. I think it is first rate.
alittle bit off the subject, but i am looking at buying a used Quad 4 Tuner. does anybody have any thoughts they would care to share with me about this tuner? i recently sold my MD FT11 and was looking at this tuner. i do use a tuner quite a bit so i want to find a good one. thanks
I have had over 70 top tuners and tried most quality tuners mentioned. This is no easy answer due to the many factors however here goes.
Best tube tuners, (of course tuned up) Marantz 10B, hands down, Mac MR67, Scott 310E, Scott 310D-mono.

Analog, Accuphase 100 and 101, MR78 is nice buy waaay overpriced, Sansui Tu-X1.

SS for Sen and sel, Pioneer Elite F-93, Onkyo 9090II.
SS overall for performance, value and sound, the Onkyo 4711.
Best performing tuner under $250 may be the Yamaha T-85, super performance, 4 bandwidths.
I could mention things I did not like about many of the tuners on the other list but will not.
Tuners must have good DXing to be on my lists, for if you cannot get the stations in very well all is lost.
I hate Fishers, sorry, never were right, tried many.
I use Cary Mono Single ended triode 2A3 amps with VV2a3 tubes, just so you get an idea.