Totem Forest Signature -or- Spendor D7

I have my list narrowed to these two speakers, but I'm feeling conflicted. Which way do I go?? And fyi, I'm not interested in any others right now, only choice is between the two listed above please.

I know these questions will be asked so I'll answer them right now.
Room size- 11x22x7.6 feet. Highly treated with absorption and diffusion. Even the ceiling has both.
Source- Clearaudio Concept TT, MC cart
Phono pre- Jolida JD9 II, modded
Pre amp- Decware CSP3 with factory upgrades
Power amp- Moon W5
Power cables- Acoustic Zen Gargantua II's
Interconnects- Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II
Speaker cables- Acoustic Zen Hologram II Bi-wire (I know the D7's are single input)
Subs- pair of REL T5s
Power isolation- BPT 3.5 Signature
Musical taste, 70s-80s rock, Adult contemporary, some alternative stuff, a little jazz. Not into classical or blues very much. Usually lots of instruments playing at the same time. It can get congested, so need a speaker that can deliver individual instruments in a busy environment.
Another fyi, I will be changing all cabling to Acoustic Zen Absolute as I feel this system will benefit from as much silver cabling as I can give it without be harsh on the top end.

So, "Totem Forest Signatures" or "Spendor D7s"??
Depending on how friendly your friends are, if it were me, I would borrow their speakers over a weekend - lent my gear more than I can remember, and hear them in my own home. That's what friends are for...
After a year with my Forest Signature speakers, I am more in love than ever.  Something so special about how they can connect you to the music.  It’s not about absolute performance, but a blend of traits that enable them to communicate music more honestly, directly and with life!
@shawnlh , you're ABSOLUTELY correct, even if you first mention about your choice of left one, I would immediately believe you're right-brained without you mentioning that.