Totem Forest Speakers.....

I recently purchased a pair of Totem Forest speakers. Now, I know these are capable of sounding very musical, clear, w/ a great imaging, and sound stage . I have about 70 hrs of listening and I am not getting them to sound the way they should. They are in a square 12 x 12 room and is not filling up the room w/ music and sounds a flat.

System is Krell 400xi.
Yamaha cd player.
Kimber Kable 8TC

Any totem owners out there that can help me figure out what is wrong? Any info is desperately needed!!

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Ok, first of all I've owned Totem Forest, Hawks, Winds and Arros. The Forests are THEE most musical offering they have when treated properly. Second, the 400xi is a match made in heaven for them and should drive them like no other while achieving supreme musicality and warmth. Your CD player is unfamiliar to me. The Krell needs a great power cord. Your IC must be top notch. The speaker cables must compliment the amp/speaker interface. Placement can be as close as 2ft from the rear wall as long as you place them well apart, like 8 to 10ft. Sit closer or equall to the distance apart. Make sure you have some natural absorptive materials in the room as well. I had great results with MIT and Monster cabling. You have the makings of something great in your posession so do not get frustrated. If you need to talk this out you may call me (just let me know and I'll give you my cell):O)
I've owned the Hawks and Auditioned the Forest.

I disagree with Dave_b

The Krell 400xi IMHO is not a good mate for the Forest.

Both the Forests and the Hawks like a warmer sounding amplifier. Great matches i've tried include the Plinius 9200 and the Unison Research Unico (Secondo or SE). For more money the BAT integrated also works a treat and the Arye is also ok.

I used the Totems with no toe in and 6ft apart. They need to be more that 1ft from the rear wall.

I have to say that i find it odd Matt that you've clearly spent a tidy sum on your amp and speakers and yet have a Yahama source?
Mattoo, alot of overpriced fish in the have a GEM in the 400xi. It has been misused and not appreciated by more than a few. I've owned many a $10 to $15K amps and $20K plus speakers with $20K cables...experience and experimentation have afforded me some insight. The 400xi is a chameleon and will only show you it's potential if hooked up properly. I will help you if you want me to, or you can follow the herd over a cliff:O) Your CD player can be updated later..let's make what you have sing first.
I've never owned Totem loudspeakers (but have listened to them for many hrs.) nor Krell, but I will say the right amp can make a world of difference. I would suggest on a whim buy an older Marantz Reciever from 70's. I own the 2218 and I will say it has a certain warmth and musicality that is very special. I suggest a higher powered model and see what results you get driving your Forests.