Totem Hawks/Forests - Upstream Components


I am trying to set-up a 2 channel set-up based on Totem Hawks / Forests. I will be deciding on which speaker very shortly. I am curious about the set-up I should be going for ?

1. Stereo Integarated Amplifier ?

2. Pre-Amp & Amp ?

3. SS or Tubes ?

Should I be going for separates (or) integrated ? In either case, can you please recomemnd any proven coherent components for these speakers ?

Unico is too weak for Hawks. It's power overrated and it never does 80Wpc even near. The small Creek 4330 does better job with 40Wpc.
If you get used Krell Kav 300i with your current budget you will be in great shape.

Thanks for letting me know about Unison Unico. I have seen a few flks recommending this integrated because of its system synergy with Totems. I have a question for you

1. If I go with Creek 5350SE for now, does it mean I can plan to use 5350SE as a pre-amp and hook it upto a 2 channel power amp like Musical Fidelity A5 ?


Since you constantly refer to the Musical Fidelity A5 it would appear you are keen on the MF gear. I would think that a creek with an A5 wouldn't be as favorable as going with an MF Trivista integrated, which would also save you a pc and an IC. I would think that in general the creek wouldn't be the best bet for the Forests, assuming those are what you've settled on.

Thanks for letting me know about Creek and Forests. Do you mind looking at the other combos I have posted earlier?

Also, can you let me know about the system syenergy between Forests and MF gear ? I am currently thinking of auditioning atleast the following 2 set-ups:

1. BAT VK-3iX Preamp and MF A5 Power Amp

2. Primaluna Prologue three Preamp and MF A5 power amp.

3. I see folks keep referring to MF Tri-Vista Inegrated. Is this available new t buy (or) I need to look for it only in the used market ?

