Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

I am not going to post on this subject again(I hear the applause),but I never picked up on the "stated" vta backward shift,in the Uni vs "O" comparison.That is definitely an incorrect setting in my own,and friend's system.It happens to impact dearly,in how it sounds.A year ago Nsgarsh corrected my own positioning,which was slightly backward.The bottom of the cartridge sounds better when riding parallel to an lp.Of course fine tuning by ear can aid,to an extent,but it "should" look almost "exactly" parallel.Of course that's only an opinion based on two owners of Tranny's.Nsgarsh would make three,I guess.The pre/phonostages in use are not too shabby either,and I won't tout the mfgr,or folks who completely re-built and modded mine.If you carefully read the instructions,coming with the cart.,it states the correct positioning of the stylus tip,when viewed from the side(Nsgarsh re-emphsized this to me last year,as I was a bit in the dark,and had Tranny's for some time,but hey,I slipped up,at the time),which shows a backward stylus tip rake.This correct position is re-inforced with the parallel position.BTW,as my system has been down for six months,I have recently set-up,as of Saturday.With all the new gizmos I have added,I find the 100 ohm setting sounds best,now.See things change!!
Anyone thinking I actually have an agenda is "clueless" as to my intent.I am not insecure regarding my hearing,or set-up,as I have been accused of.To me,my intent was incorrectly interpreted by some.I will be more guarded should I decide to continue,in the future.
A condescending attitude,and preaching about how I should organize my thoughts first(as stated,for the third time by Cello)is actually something I find offensive, and I will state how I feel about any subject.I am greatful for Doug's posting,as well as all else,but I also feel I should listen to my friend(who owns the Orpheus,and who would not bother here'in).

Dear Andrew: +++++ " In Doug's system, Paul felt the VTA for the O was just right when the tonearm was moderately lower than parallel. Similar position used for the Universe. " +++++

It is a big surprise to me that two different stylus type cartridges with different electrical design and build characteristics can perform at the same top performance level at the exactly the same SRA.

+++++ " In my system, I have the tonearm pivot base adjusted so that the tonearm is moderatley higher than parallel. " +++++

The question is: do you agree with the O SRA set up on Doug system?

The other important subject is if both cartridges have the same output level, can you tell me about? did doug changes in the volume position each time that you change of cartridge hearing?

Btw Andrew, I read that the O needs only 30 hours and if this figure is right I'm really worried about the O mistracking problem because according to specs the O tracking ability is higher than 70um at 1.8gr that is a good spec and that figure increment maybe to 80-85um at the VTF that you run it at Doug's place, this could mean that your O could have a suspension problem, I can't really sure and is better that you ask to your dealer about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Tim, I don't think I read the same posts by Doug that you read.

Perhaps, but I'm guessing we read the same post, Dan_ed - you just had a different reaction to it than I did.

It seems that you and a few others have taken his words to mean that his opinion is the definitive word.

I did not take them that way, but some of those words struck me as if their author did. I appreciate your standing up for Doug and hope you'll share the belief that its OK if our readings of his review are different - as long they're had in good faith. (And I'll offer to do the forensic wordsmithery on a per phrase basis if you feel my remarks are disengenuous, but I can't change the way I reacted to the tone.) People were starting to jump on Speedy. I thought hearing another opinion - one that was not singing with the (now obviously prodigious) choir - might lay false the notion he was the only one with a less than satisfactory reaction, albeit for different reasons. :-)

Thesis, antithesis - we must be getting close to page 4.

Dan, as I've already said, I'd really love to hear a UNI if there's anyone in Tucson or Phoenix who has one? Decently set up? Please, invite me over?

I still intend to listen (with my Temper W) to the critical passages Doug identified on the Trio and Sonic Fireworks albums. (I've pulled them out, so that's a start ;--)

But it's become quite consistant now, that every time I run across someone who says they prefer the sound of their LOMC at the 47K load impedance, I eventually discover they've set their stylus at < 1 degree SRA or even < 0 degrees SRA!

Chicken/egg-wise, the "47K" generally happens first. The person installs a brand new phono preamp out-of-the-box, which 90% of the time is set to a default 47K. Then they start playing records, and adjusting the tonearm (SRA) up and down 'til the treble stops shreiking, and lo and behold, the tonearm is tilted backward! I KNOW! I USED TO DO THE SAME THING MYSELF! In my youthful enthusiasm to "see how it sounds" and my youthful ignorance of the mechanical/electrical requirements that must be attended to first, I unwittingly put the cart before the horse. And thought I was soooo cool!

Moral of the story: while age alone is certainly no guarantee of wisdom, youth is attended always by a certain amount of ignorance ;--)
Dear Doug: I think is important to know one spec about your phonolinepreamp unit that could help to understand what are you hearing through it.

That spec is: inverse RIAA eq. deviation between 20 to 20khz.
The Andrew CAT has a manufacturer spec on this regard of: +,- 0.1 db from 20 to 20kHz.

Could you find it for us?

Thx in advance.

Regards and enjoy the music.