Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

Doug's and Andrew's comments highlight my reason for advising folks to break in their cartridges slightly above (like .2 or .25 gms above) the high end of the specified VTF range:

That way the suspension will be flexed enough so you can be sure it will exhibit a stable coefficient of elasticity just beyond the top of the normal VTF range. If you don't do this, and you try to find the VTF "sweet spot" somewhere near max. VTF, you will have a hard time dialing it in.
Hi all,

I would say that we all seem to be moving in the same direction regarding vtf. As Doug mentioned the XV-1s is a heavy cartridge at 12.6 grams with a compliance of 10. I don't know exactly how that compares with the Orpheus, but it is heaver and lower compliant than the Trannys I could find in the cartridge database. I broke in the cartridge much like Neil advises, up around 2.5 grams, for the first hundred hours or so. After that I tried Thom Mackris' preferred setting of around 1.87, but have since settled in around 1.92. Could be that mile high thing at work in Denver. However, I am still dialing this parameter in and could end up higher. I'm trying to listen and let the cartridge tell me what it wants. All in all, it does sound like what Andrew is reporting.

This theory of running close to the edge (great song, btw) sits well with me also. Trying to balance the nimble sound achieved with the cart just off mis-tracking with the added authority of extra vtf. It's very much like trying to control a helicopter. If you've ever studied control theory then you've probably heard that the helicopter is a system that is always on the edge of stability, and I think we have a similar system with arms and cartridges. Too much control and the music becomes dull, too little and we crash in the grooves potentially damaging the record.

The o-rings work great for quick vtf tweaks. With the weight of the XV-1s the tiny ones alone don't work for AS, but I do think they work for a tweak here as well. Take about twice what Doug uses for the same change. The metal AS weight that comes with the Triplanar is maybe 2-3 mm up the shaft. Just far enough to allow a little buzzing with the HFNRR test track, (#6 I think). If I hear a little break up I throw on a couple of the o-rings for that LP. I have to believe that the compliance has a similar effect on the AS settings. I'll have to start logging some of this information when I tweak thinks so we can compare notes.

No, I'm not quite to the point of using sticky notes. :)

Merry Christmas to all!
Since so many of my Agon friends are linked to this thread, rather than e-mailing you individually, I'm going to direct you to this Agon thread:

where you can link to the (hilarious) film and read the posts as well ;--)

Happy Chrismaquanzuccah to all -- Neil
"Trying to listen,and let the cart tell me what it wants"....Dan a SUPERB point,and one all serious hobbyists should take into account.
Thanks for the link, Neil. That was very enjoyable! Speedy, my problem is that my "cartridge-eese" is still underdeveloped. :)