I am coming around to the idea of using a PVC type 'filter'. Perhaps as @dgarretson indicated, the silicone tubes may be in sync with the modulated air flow, and a stiffer material may break it up. This 'filter' should probably be used in tandem with other surge tanks, each performing a slightly different function in modulating air flow. And it be placed close to the arm as the last filtration piece before air enters the manifold. Nice!
Please see link below. A fellow Terminator user's exploit into a better arm base, for Salvation TT and others. The key is a two point fastening connection.
Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.
I will give a shout out to @dgarretson he helped me with a custom brass base for my T3 which helped in getting a firm foundation for the arm see below
Please see link below. A fellow Terminator user's exploit into a better arm base, for Salvation TT and others. The key is a two point fastening connection.
Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.