Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks
The responsibility of ANY audio "best friend" is to try/buy ALL products of interest,to your pals!Then allow yourself to be the "moneyman/guinea pig",whereas all others can make a determination whether they,themselves, should obtain said equipment! I'll send you the authorized paperwork -:)

Best!BTW--nice(well thought out) setup!!
No, no, no !!! It's your responsibility to buy all the same stuff I do, if you as impressed as all that. No exceptions. Thanks for the clarification, though.
I doubt if I could find the '62 gloss hardwoods,and original finish.Besides those suckas are heavy.I really don't have the same desire to constantly upgrade as I did some years ago.That's one reason I really like your set-up,and "audio mentality".I can identify with your decision to update/modify what you like,and build a really good/unique system to suit your tastes.Not the advertising hype!That's where I'm at these days.I like the idea of having a very well thought out,modded/updated system,that is unique to me.Not that I'm necessarily correct,but that's how I go about things,in my old age!BTW-the best set-ups I've heard,and I have heard a ton,are by serious hobbyists who like a specific combination of stuff,and set about refining that stuff.There are a load of different sounding,but fabulous systems out there.I love them all!!

Yet,I like having a very desireable,diverse music collection,above all!

Good luck with your wonderful hobby!

SirSp. -- Thanks, you very perceptively pulled my approach right out of my subconscious! I really fell into my mahogany K's, which are very pretty, by buying them as the third owner from a friend over 20 years ago. I think I eventually found out why the previous two sold them: see the Klipsch Forum thread, on restoring the normal bass horn throat in these babies:

Comments on the Orpheus in a day or two! Is Roy still around?

Gary -- No, according to Sir's definition, I'M YOUR "best friend" -- I sometimes buy spendy stuff and then you get to pick and choose what to look for on Audiogon!

Best, all --