Hi Jafant,
My system:
Lamm L2 Ref Preamp
Lamm M1.2 Ref Mono amps
Meitner MA-1 Dac
Meridian Sooloos Ensemble Music Server
Wilson Sasha - Gen I
Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 ICs - connects the MA-1 & the L2
Transparent Audio Reference ICs - connects the L2 to the M1.2s
Transparent Audio Reference Spkr cable
SRA VR-Series IsoBases under the M1.2s
My system:
Lamm L2 Ref Preamp
Lamm M1.2 Ref Mono amps
Meitner MA-1 Dac
Meridian Sooloos Ensemble Music Server
Wilson Sasha - Gen I
Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 ICs - connects the MA-1 & the L2
Transparent Audio Reference ICs - connects the L2 to the M1.2s
Transparent Audio Reference Spkr cable
SRA VR-Series IsoBases under the M1.2s