Transparent High Performance Power Link

Anyone using this cable? What do you guys think of it. Also, has anyone compared this to the next level up, which I believe is the Premium Power Link with the network box?
I am using Transparent on my whole system except a PS PC to my PPP. I forget the model but it is the next to the top one [ $1000 list] or use to be the next. I bought factory refurbished ones from Paragon. They were in excellent shape and saved me a considerable amount of money.
I use the premium powerlink throughout and each was a noticeable difference from the previous pc's. Improvements were in slam, dynamics, and clarity, primarily.
I recently changed out my PS Statement PC to my PPP for a Transparent Super MM1 and it made a big difference. Smoother and bigger, with more separation of instruments. Granted my PS cord was not as recent or high a model as Stanwal's, but you (Stanwal) might just want to try a Transparent on the PPP.

I have a Transparent PLMM2 on my amp which made a HUGE difference. A lot more difference than the Super did, so I would expect that moving up the line would be better, but you need to figure out whether the cost is worth it to you.
So, a few years later...I did end up putting Premium Power Links on both my Bryston headphone amplifier and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC and it made a huge improvement. There is a lot more slam and punch but at the same time everything sounds smoother and less edgy. Much more organic and natural sounding. I can listen even louder than before with less fatigue. The bass is much improved. This was a BIG step up from the stock cords and I would say it was on par with changing a component.
Transparent PC's make a huge difference on both amps and sources....they are like equipment upgrades.