Transparent Ultra or Super?

I am wondering if anyone can help me decide if it is worth it to go straight to the Ultra XL cable from transparent audio, or start out with the Super XL. Price is not an issue here. I am curious if anyone has compared the two cables, and if so, what the differences are?

I have heard the Transparent music link plus cables, and they seem to have a bloated midrange "haze" in my opinion. Is this a trait of the Transparent line, or is it an interaction with my components?

I am running the following system:
Krell KAV 250CD
Krell pre-amp
Krell KSA 250 amplifier
Hales Revelation Three speakers
Audioquest Type 6+ speaker cables
Well Tempered Classic turntable
Benz Micro Glider 2 Cartridge
Acoustech PH-1P phono stage
Audioquest Ruby interconnects

Thanks in advance for any help!!

I think you can purchase directly from Transparent. Of course Audio Advice in the Triangle. I have also purchased from Paragon Sight & Sound. They sometimes have deals on used cables. 
Otherwise I’d look on Audiogon and USA Audiomart. Might find a nice used pair for a nice discount. I purchase my pair of Gen5 plus speaker cables used for a fraction of the new price. 

I plan on auditioning the Gen5 next month in Nashville TN.

Happy Listening!
Anyone using the Powerisolator (conditioner) w/ their Gen5 cable systems?

Happy Listening!