Transport Question

Now have the new Rotel CD player using as a transport into a Bryston bda-3

The bryston make a big difference.

Time for a good stand alone transport. Looking at the SIm moon 260d.

Would that be a decent upgrade for the rotel?



Bits are bits. If you accessed your banking data from a different computer would it change? No, of course not! Digital data, whether banking/financial or music, remains inviolate regardless of how many times it is transferred or where it is stored. That is the fundamental premise of Digital. The old Analog ideas do not apply! All transports and servers have to output the same data streams. Only audiophools believe that spending more and more on a transport/streamer gets them better sound quality. You should beware of the anecdotal claims made by the 'golden ears" crowd. Like the eyes fooled by optical illusions, the ears are also fooled - especially by sighted testing/comparisons.

Keep and use your Rotel, particularly since it is new. Unless you are so insecure/misguided that you absolutely must buy a shiny new toy!