Transport to replace my cd player

Hi Gang,I could use some advice on CD transports. I just bought a new audio-gd 7HE 2020 DAC and think the CD player I have been using as a transport may be a bottleneck in my 2 channel system. The CD player is a Cambridge Azur 851 with upgraded blue fuses and a Synchro-mesh reclocker which has been OK but I think I may get good improvement with a dedicated transport. What do you think? The rest of my system consists of a VPI Classic 4 TT, McIntosh452 amp, a McIntosh C2600 preamp and the new DAC. Admittedly I have no experience with a dedicated Transport but based on reviews only these are the transports I'm considering: Cambridge CXC, Audiolab 6000CDT, Primare DD15 and DD35, Denafrips Avatar, McIntosh MCT 450 and MCT500 and finally the JAY's audio current transport. Have you experienced any of these? Which if any would you recommend?Thanks in advance,Joe
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I'm guessing that I won't have it until late August as I was told by my dealer that Simaudio advised him that they won't have them available until mid-August

I'm a fan of Moon equipment by Simaudio, I had their CD player a few years ago and found it enjoyable. However, I haven't heard the 260D and there are no dealers anywhere near me, I think the closest is in NC. Have you listened to it or are you just taking a shot on the brand as I did years ago? Let me know how you like it, i can't see how the Cambridge can match it.
A couple of years ago I bought the new very large conditioner from PS audio as well as their top of the line DAC and Transport. All three pieces had something wrong with them, while they were nice to deal with something was off in the quality control dept. I had to return all three pieces and have been lick shy with PS audio since then. It has been difficult to find many reviews of affordable transports other than Cambridge and Audiolab, both of which get nice reviews. I hear nice things about CEC but i don't know anyone in the States that sells them. They are available on EBAY but I'm not going there.

I am buying the Simaudio without having auditioned it; read some about it and decided to proceed.

Here's the contact for the distributor in the US for CEC  - he's quick to respond to emails about what models are available and pricing
Tom Kleinbeck
816 875 65 19
email -

I dunno.  Especially since you’re already using a Synchro Mesh I’m not sure you’re gonna hear a world of difference between transports.  I’d shoot an email off to the guy who designed and built your DAC and see what he has to say or recommend.  Personally I’d ditch the transport altogether and buy a streamer/server like an Innuos Zen Mk3, load all my CDs into it and enjoy them all from my chair along with a world of new music from Qobuz.  Best of luck.