Triangle Titus 202 Opinions?

I have recieved much help from many of you in previous threads. I have boiled my search down to the Triangle Titus speakers. But before I go out to buy a pair, I'd like to ask your opinions on these speakers.
Man if I had known you were using an Arcam receiver, I would have warned you about excess brightness with Triangles. I wouldn't care for that pairing either. If you want to keep the Arcam, I would try something like Coincident Triumphs. They are very efficient and can use a little high frequency boost. I bet they would sound much better than Triangles with you amp. Good luck!
When I listened to Tituses they were hooked up to a NAD C320 BEE ( first session ) and to Copland tube electronics for the second listen. Needless to say the Coplands made the Tituses sound best. The NAD was surprisingly good, but in a way different price league. It sounded rougher and I knew I would tire of it faster.

It makes me think once more that the old advice is good : make sure your upstream components are higher-res than your downstream ones. The NAD-Titus setup inverted this principle, and so the Tituses didn't sound any better than they had to. The Coplands made them sing.
Thanks, Chris, Arthur and Tobias for your input. I bought the Arcam before purchasing the Triangles. I was running Paradigm Ref. Studio 20's but grew tired of them. I'm afraid I can't afford to buy another Amp, tube or otherwise so I am concentrating on finding a pair of speakers that will sound good with my Arcam which I'm very happy with. Other threads have recommended, Green Mountain Europas, Proac Ref 8's, Totem
Arro's, Dynaudio, and some others I can't think of right now. The Totem Arro's sound like the best bang for the buck and they do have a soft dome tweeter which should offset the Arcam's solid state sound.


You are very welcome! Looks like you are certainly heading down the right road speaker wise..Nice choices. Good Luck!

Like you, I would be interested in hearing the Arro's first on my list. They look good, go great near a wall, don't need a stand, and they put up a nice soundstage. I remember they did strings and voices well and I certainly don't remember any aggression in the highs.