Hi Bradz
I don't like to tell people which way they should go, so I'm not going to start now. :-)
But - I'm not sure of the costs of the DACs you are considering. The TRL mod costs about $550. Do the DACS compare with the price of the TRL mod? I believe, unless TRL has changed policy, Paul will give your money back if you are not happy with the mod.
If you ask Paul for comparisons I'm sure he'll be accurate in doing so.
Lkdog has comparitive info on the TRL mods. (Cary 308 vs TRL Sony) I can say, that the Player is detailed/extended in its frequency presentation/dynamic, yet smooth. I really enjoy my CDP. As I've said to others It would take alot to convince me to part with my TRL SA-14.
Bottom line= Ask Paul how he thinks the Cary will stack up. I'd trust his judgement. But that's just me :-)
I really hope you can work through you decision making.