TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?

Showing 7 responses by oldpet


I believe that there are 2 seperate circuits, SACD and CD, which need to be broken in. I'm surely not an electrical engineer, so any questions beyond that should be directed to the guys at TRL.

hope this helps
Bob and Jack

I am another anxious to hear your impressions. I never heard my SA-14 in it's stock form. I was so ready, after emailing Paul at TRL several times, that i sent my unit to them directly. I know that I love what I hear. :-) I really hope that you two find the sound as appealing as I.

BTW - This is one of the most enjoyable threads on Agon. Way to go gang!


The best person to ask would be Paul Weitzel of TRL. He will surely get back to you, and give you an honest answer. He will NOT try to hard sell you anything.

good luck

Hi Bradz

I don't like to tell people which way they should go, so I'm not going to start now. :-)
But - I'm not sure of the costs of the DACs you are considering. The TRL mod costs about $550. Do the DACS compare with the price of the TRL mod? I believe, unless TRL has changed policy, Paul will give your money back if you are not happy with the mod.

If you ask Paul for comparisons I'm sure he'll be accurate in doing so.

Lkdog has comparitive info on the TRL mods. (Cary 308 vs TRL Sony) I can say, that the Player is detailed/extended in its frequency presentation/dynamic, yet smooth. I really enjoy my CDP. As I've said to others It would take alot to convince me to part with my TRL SA-14.

Bottom line= Ask Paul how he thinks the Cary will stack up. I'd trust his judgement. But that's just me :-)

I really hope you can work through you decision making.

C'mon Bob.......we all know you've had a sneak listen, or two. ;-)

Looking forward to your thoughts in about 10 days. :-)

happy listening......when ever that may be.
