trying to decide between Cary 303/300 and BAT CD

Does anyone have an opinion after hearing these two CD's. I use the Cary V12r and the First Sound Deluxe with Sonus Faber Grand Pianos soon to be Audes orpheus. I love tubes but fear that too much tubes could be muddy. I like the way you can switch to SS with the Cary, but I also hear Bat CD is out of this world. Any opinion?
I am very un-techy so I am not sure the answer to that...
Here are the specs:
but I do know that after the 6 months or so that I have owned this player I am still thrilled every time I listen...
as with everything audio, as we all know, there is no one clear cut best...
(I have a trusted audio friend that loves Cary CDP's),every set of ears are different, and system synergy is ultimately a huge variable...
(case in point:I seem to be the only one on this planet that didn't like the
Audio Aero)...
One can access reviews forever but until you listen for yourself in your own system I don't think anyone can know for sure what will be wonderful...
the good thing is...not decision needs to be forever...
if it doesn't provide the musical nirvana you are looking for...
it's just a "thing" that can be replaced....
I must add....The person I bought this player from felt that the SE version is even better....I would love to hear it...I love this player so much if/when I do upgrade I will focus on the BAT VK-D5SE...

Did you buy brand new or used? When did you buy it?

If there's a manufactoring date on the unit, that should be an indicator. I believe any unit after 2004, is the 24 Bit dac, and any unit from 2004 and back is the 20 Bit units. But I'll have to double-check the exact year BAT started using the 24 Bit.....I could be off by a year or so.
I owned a VKD5se for years...nice organic sound...I switched last year to a Consonance Droplet....cost half as much and I liked the bass and soundstaging better, no loss of detail....