Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ?

I have no experience with tubes, and want to give them a try on my Avalon Eidolon (not diamonds) speakers (87 dB sensitivity, 4 ohm nominal, 3.6 ohm minimum). I'm using dCS Elgar + Purcel front end and currently not using a pre-amp, cardas neutral reference cables. I listen mostly to jazz, some classical, some rock.

Looking for suggestions on tube amp(s), preferably with balanced inputs, but not mandatory. I'm willing to spend some money, up to say $15k, and will probably try to buy used.

Thoughts and recommendations appreciated. Thanks. John.
I'm sure the fact that they are neighbours has "something" to do with it; but you've made a good point.

If you are talking about the last RMAF show, Avalon was not exhibiting - they were supporting one of their dealers, that also happen to carry Boulder.
Not just RMAF....though I can't cite each example just from memory really...perhaps I am misguided but I do somehow recollect that this was frequently the case.

CAT JL2 sounds absolutely fantastic with dSC Elgar Plus and Avalon Eidolon.
VAC Vintage high power 100/100 or VAC PHI.
BAT VK Monos work too if you replace the leaky Jensen caps.
It's the quality that matters :)

To the person who is using SF Power 3s:
You are missing out a lot.