TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???

I'm looking for input from tube amp lovers that have switched from tube to solid state amplifiers and not looked back.

What tube amp did you move on from?

What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?

What's wrong with you people? Nobody's heard of Symphonic Line? I was also a tube fanatic, till I've heard their RG line of amps. I've progressed from an RG1 to my current RG7 MK4. In my humble opinion, these gems have the resolution, soul and transparency very few tube amps can match. The ones that do will cost you very dearly. Honestly, they don't sound tubey nor transistory, they just sound like music. Turn them on and never turn them off. Been saving for the Kraft. Just my two cents.
Pass XA-200.5's breathes magic in our high end rig - but they're still not the same as the Audio Research tube amplifiers we had.
I never could agree with the phase of a "SS amplifier sounding like a tube amplifier" - Pass included.
Haven't moved on to D'Agostino, but will add it to my system when funds allow as an adjunct to (not replacement for) my ARC Ref 150 (w KT150 tubes). Love them both.
Agree with others concerning ss amps versus tube amps and the fact that no ss amp will sound like a tube amp. But for me Pass XA series is a wonderful alternative and without the tube maintenance issues. Although they do kick out a lot of heat being class A biased. And if you have ever had a tube amp blow it isn't pretty.