Tube amp to match sensitive Living Voice Speakers

I've had sage advise before and a little more would be helpful. I am pleased with my system and the last prospective change is a new power amp.
My System: Modded Shanling CDT-100
Origin Live Resolution/Illustrious/Koetsu Rosewood Signature
Creek T43 tuner
Conrad Johnson Premier 17 Pre
Pass Labs Aleph 3 power
Living Voice Avatar speakers
Acoustic Zen cables
The Avatar's are highish sensitivity, 94db and were designed around tubes and Kevin the designer is strongly pro tubes. The Aleph 3 is wondeful and I will keep it, but, slightly sweet, a narrow soundstage and lacks a little grunt.
There are so many tube choices, more than solid state, Push pull/ Single ended, Class A or A/B, tube choice, 300B monoblocks/ KT88/EL34/6550.
The obvious choice is a Conrad Johnson MV60 or SE, or Premier 11, to match the Pre and I may well go that way. Anyone any ideas? Particularly of course if you use living Voice speakers.I never buy new if I can and am looking to up spend up to $2000ish 2nd hand
I like most music, Blues, Singer Songwriters, classical and opera, so for the latter, I need something that can cope with a symphony orchestra. Thanks for any guidance
I second the motion made by Chriskeating. I own an Almarro 318 and uses the same output tubes as the Lamm mono amps! It would simplify your system (it is an integrated amp), always a good thing, and the sound is amazing.
A good 300B would also work well, esp. with Sophia mesh plate 300B's and Mullard GZ34 drivers, like the one I had custom made at 3D Audio. I use this in my primary rig with a pair of Ocellia Tilia (16ohm, 98db/1watt single driver crossoverless) loudspeakers, and I have no desire to upgrade - none.
Enjoy youself.
A thoughtful set of responses, the Welbornes and Canary look good and I will do a bit of research on the others. I forgot to mention, the wife has put her foot down and any new additions have to match the decor! Give me strength.
From a decor-matching point of view, I suspect the deHavillands are out, then :-)
Thanks for all the advise, very helpful indeed. I was on the point of getting the Welborne lab SET monoblocks. I asked Kevin who builds LV speakers, he thought 8 Watts was not enough for all circumstances(crescendo of a Mahler Symphony) . He thoght 16 to 20 watts as SET or Push Pull was a better long term bet. A Viva Solista appeared on the Gon for $4000, in UK that would be $7500 2nd hand. I heard it at the recent UK High End show and it was remarkable, 18 Watts SET with 845 valves. It's an ugly brute, but managed to persuade the wife it was the best post industrial Italian design and it's on its way, hopefully. I will leave feedback in a few weeks as to the results