Tube Amplifiers?

I am new to tube amps (I've had several tube pre-amps) and was wondering what people's thoughts are on the following: VTL-ST85, VTL TT-25, Anthem AMP 1, Rogue 88 and Quicksilver Minimites. I'd like to keep the cost around $1500
Trelja, I agree with you on the Rogue tube amps. I have yet to delve into the world of tubes. I have only owned SS amps, the last being Clayton M70 monoblocks.(Bel Canto EVO another)These are very fine amps but I yearn for more. I have upgraded all of my IC's and speaker cable to Homegrown Silver Lace and have really noticed a remarkable difference. BUT, I have not found the right amp with my Martin Logan Requests. I think after owning several SS amps I am ready for a transition. Thinking of auditioning Quicksilver,Mesa Baron and Wolcott's. Any others you might recommend? I have a dealer close buy who has Rogue, Airtight and a few others I can demo.
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I am also having quite a time with the amp game. What would one use to power Proac Response 1sc's. Pair of VTL MB125's with a 2.5 preamp or Pair of Classe 10's with a Classe 5 preamp. I've never had tubes before and there is no local VTL dealer, I have to buy off the net. I am currently using a Classe 5 pre w/ a Model 70 power. Not bad but not quite right. Helllllpppppp!!!!
JAB, while I agree with your feelings on the KT88, I do prefer the 2A3 over the 300B. I used to think the 300B was as good as it got. 2A3? 3 watts, 5 watts? Well, I took the time to really get into it, and have to say it is better than the 300B to me. Also, surprising bass for as little power as it supposedly puts out. And transformers, NOT tubes are the most important(and expensive) part of a tube amp. Not sure about what an Air Tight goes for used(maybe $2500 - $6000), but they are several levels better than Jolida, Rogue, Golden Tube, Quicksilver, and VTL. And there is no bigger fan of the cheaper brands than I. Just have to give the Devil his due...
Thanks to all for your comments. I listened to an ARC VT-50 and VT-100, and a CJ MV-55 and Premier 8. I liked the tubey sound of the CJ equipment, but felt the ARC had better defined bass. My equipment is BAT VK-30 pre-amp, with, yes, power hungry Aerial 7B speakers.