Tube amps with BALLS in the low end registrer ???

i am searching for a moderate power (200 to 250 WPC)tube mono block amp who got balls in the low end !!!
Any sugestions with hybrid mono block amps are welcome
Alternative from SS AMPS are : MCintosh MC 501 or the PASS X350.5 ???
Which pair of amps will be the best to drive with comfort a pair of PARSIFAL ENCORE ?
P.S.: i like a soft and WET sound !!!
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If you're interested in used stuff consider the older VTL open chassis models like the mono 300's or the vintage C-J Premier 1. Also the D-250 from Audio Research. All can be found for about $2500 or less.
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How about the wolcott p220 monoblocks? 220 watts, adjustable damping for fine tuning and excellant quality.
Kronzilla has a reputation for serious impactful bass. VTL has great bass, nice and full. My Canary CA 160 sounds awesome w/ my Parsifal Encores, awesome bass, tighter than the VTL's bass and deeper. I would definitely look at VAC as well... their higher end amps would sound great (second the 70/70 mentioned, or their 220 standards or Phi amps).
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