Tube DAC Recommendations

I am in the market for DAC; my preference is a tube DAC. My primary music source will come from a computer or music server. The DAC will connect to Sim Audio 700i integrated amp. Budget is up to $7000 for the DAC.
I have been studying this forum over the last several months but cannot seem to find a consensus on the top 3-5 tube DACs.
Any input is appreciated.

Thank you for your response. I am currently leaning towards the Romulus in order to get to have the CD option. I have plans to add some sort of music server/computer to complete the system. I am located in Honduras and will not have the opportunity to audition any DACS and service will be an issue. I am relying on the reviews from the various forums. My decision will be based upon on sonics, reliability, functionality. Please keep me posted on your break-in period as I will be making a decision within the next few days.
First, the Romulus has a recommended break-in of 400 hours, but after the 50-hour mark (of playing), mine opened up and started to shine. First, the sound is rich and full (a bit more so than my analog). I would not say it is 'phat', but it leans in that direction (with the factory tubes). Overall sonics are very pleasing, and it does sound remarkably analog in its reproducton (no hint of digital sonic traits). Second, instruments are reproduced faithfully (more easily said than done in many systems). Piano sounds like piano; saxophone sounds like sax; cymbals sound like cymbals. Those instruments are tests for me. Next, imaging is exemplary. Huge, wide and deep soundstage, with good placement of images (although not pinpoint). Here is where I proceed with caution, as these categories are picky, delicate, subjective and my unit is still not fully broken-in. And, I strongly suspect that swapping with NOS tubes would change or eliminate any concerns (but I have not tried that yet until full break-in).... My analog rig and the rest of my system are so very good that these items only present themselves with repeated, critical A/B listening.......Macrodynamics are very good (but not a 10). But they are realistic, and I have heard digital rigs that do rate a 10 in dynamics, but they are over the top and are not realistic. Microdynamics are excellent(but not a 10). Air and space between instruments are also quite good (but not a 10). Now, please understand that these are very, very picky points which would definitely change with different tubes. Even if they remained, the Romulus would still be my choice, as it is sooooo nice to hear playing. It is only that the rest of my system is so on-target that these minor things are noticed IF I listen for them! I hope to expand on these preliminary results in a few months and after trying some NOS tubes. This is just my attempt to help you make your decision.
My System: Tyler Woodmere speakers; CODA 15.0 Amp; Purity Audio Designs Ultra GT Preamp; SOTA Cosmos Vacuum TT; Graham Phantom Supreme Tonearm; ZYX Universe Cartridge; CODA 06P Phono Preamp; Purist Proteus Provectus Tonearm Cable; Purist Venustas Interconnects and Speaker Wires.
Dear Ddelisle911,

IMHO, the best DACs in the actual market are the Concert Fidelity DAC-040 tube vacuum d/a converter

and the Wavelength Audio Crimson HS USB DAC (with silver transformers)

I know that with the first you can’t run Hi-rez file and the second is out of your budget, but the solution (IMHO) It could be the wonderful Metronome Technologie C2A that you can find used for about 7000USD.

I hope this help you.

Best regards,
the owner of audio logic,jerry osment passed away a few years ago ,i had his 52 that was fantastic but all good things come to an end
Thank you for your comments. My aim with this DAC is to bring some warmness to the music since every other componet is digital. In regards to the CD player; does it full fill your expectations?