Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.
^^^ Allan ...

The Black fuses are a significant improvement over the Reds. I had my entire system completed with the Reds when the Blacks hit the market. I now have the system completed with the Blacks. There is no way I would want to go back to the Reds unless I had to use one as a spare. I would suggest that if cost is a factory that you do one fuse at a time, but make it black. :-)



do you happen to have any 5x20 fast blow 10 amp red fuses that I can buy from you?

Three more Herbie tube dampeners arriving today for the three power tubes.  Stay tuned ... 
Okay, so I've had the Herbie's tube dampeners on the three power tubes (6550's) for a week now. One in the phono stage, one in the preamp, and finally one in the CD player.

Its more of what was experienced with the dampeners on the preamp signal tubes. Another veil has been lifted ... with the welcomed further improvement in accurate tonal balance. Its all improved from top to bottom including the most natural stand-up acoustic bass I've ever experienced in my system. With each installation of the Herbie tube dampeners, more grain is removed from the system allowing for a clearer picture of the musicians and their instruments. The 3-D relief becomes more pronounced, improving the realism of each performance. 

One of my favorite speakers from a tonal balance standpoint is the Harbeth 40.2's.  With the addition of the Herbie's tube dampeners in the system, that's the kind of tonal balance I'm getting at this point. Honestly, I knew the Legacy Signature III's were a great speaker, especially when driven in tube gear ... but I had no idea they were THIS freakin' good. Its like listening to a big pair of Harbeth 40.2's except with better deep bass. 

Next month ... three more signal tubes in the phono and two more in the amp will get the Herbie's treatment. Stay tuned ...


I returned the Rx dampers and exchanged for the SS dampers and they worked great in my system.  I am experiencing the same thing you described on your previous posts but no cut off on high and mid this time:)  Robert at Herbie's Audio also made it very easy!  I am also thinking about pulling the trigger to replace all 4 rail fuses in my amp with the Black fuses since they are having some special in December.  Thanks for all the tips and happy holidays to you!

Allan ...

You are entirely welcome.  Glad you found the SS dampeners to work well for you. The Rx dampeners have been a real blessing in my system. It really odd how so many of these tweaks are system dependent.

I predict that you are going to love what the Black fuses will do for your amp. As I stated in a much earlier post ... I thought with the ARC-REF-75se, with the KT150 tubes, that I finally found a grain free amp. The amp takes only one fuse. Replacing that fuse removed another layer of smear that I didn't realize was there.

I'd be real curious how you make out with the fuses. 


just wonder what kind of power cords you are using with your gear. I found it changes the sound significantly on my system.  I am currently using a Audience e powerchord for my amp.  Thx

^^^  Allan ... 

I'm using the Synergistic Research Atmosphere level III.

Here's a link to the A'gon thread.

High end electronics is having a sale on the SR Black PC's now.

As you'll see in the above cable thread, I was using some very well respected PC's before making the jump to the SR Atmosphere III's. The improvement in every aspect of the musical presentation was heard immediately ... but after 100 hours of break-in, it was mind boggling. 

As you see from reading the PC thread, the much more affordable SR Black PC's get you about 80% there from what others have reported. 

I have tried the Good, the Bad and the Stupid. Herbie's Tube Dampeners are the Real Deal. Period! Installed on tubes in my Manley Steelhead today. Another Wow moment in my audio Journey.
nkonbor ...

As audiophiles we live for those "Wow" moments. It just keeps me wondering with every improvement I make how much more information is hidden way down in those record grooves and digital bytes.   
Very very interesting stuff indeed
I wonder whether Herbies would make any significant improvement on the lone 6922 in my arc ls2?
Looks like about $29, not a lot of money tbh
Was considering fuses but $119 for a sr black.....ouch.
Hi Oregonpapa. How high on the 6h30 tube should the Herbies be placed?  1/8"
from top of tube or all the way up?  

All the best. 
Hi, oddeophile ...

According to the directions that come along with the Herbies dampeners, they should be placed about a third of the way down the tube. That's what I did, and it worked very well. 


Hi Frank

So you didn't follow the all the way up to the top of the tube placement like the ARC rings?  Did you try them there?

FWIW on all the RX rings I have in my system I've never found the 1/3 placement to be optimum. On my amp on all four 12AX7s exactly one and a half inches from
the bottom of the tube which is almost to the top of the 12AX7. On all 12 KT77 tubes right at the getters and same with the 6550 tubes in my Ref 40. 
ARC recommends damping placement all the way to the top of the 6H30 tubes. I've not put the Herbies I have had now for well over a year on my 6H30 tubes mainly due to my disability. 
FWIW You might try the top of the tube placement and see if you have improved sonics with your RX dampers there. The 1/3 placement is just a starting point Herbies recommends. The vast majority find differing placements are superior. 
Just thoughts. 
All the best

A couple tips for Herbies tube dampers. For tubes like 6SN7s the damper should go where the getter is located so for top getters that means near the top of the tube. Also, for tubes with bases like 6SN7s, etc. a second damper on the base will improve upon the one on the glass.

^^^  Guys .... thanks for the tips on placement. I'll give it a shot later today and see what happens. The Herbies dampeners have been a wonderful upgrade to the system ... but we can always use more of the same. *lol*

By the way, talking about "Herbies," have any of you tried the "Black Hole" CD dampening mat? Its the little one that just covers the inner circle of the top of the CD.  I've read some good reviews on it. 

Hi Frank
thx for giving it a shot and being so great!  It's you that's the reason we're trying this stuff to begin with (starting this great discussion). 
Ive used many disc mats over the years especially versions from Marigo. My current drive -PS Audio's stupendous DMP has made me rethink using mats. I've not felt the need for one since introducing this into my system. 
All the best

Richard ...

I didn't get around to changing the position of the dampeners today, so nothing to report at this time.  I'll give it a go in the morning and report back.

I always listen to my system while enjoying the morning coffee. Home roasted coffee, using only organically grown beans on small family owned farms, of course. We audiophiles have other obsessions too, ya know. *lol*

Okay, so before this morning’s listening session, I moved all of the Herbies dampeners up to where the "getters" are. The result? More overall clarity in the presentation. Thanks to Richard and geoffkait for the suggestion. Very nice, guys.

If anyone reading this is interested in getting into home roasting their coffee, here’s the site to visit:

Excellent service. Excellent coffee from around the world. Yes, its a bother ... but its akin to converting from solid state to tubes. Once there you will never go back. :-) If you want my suggestions on roasting equipment, feel free to ask.

Now back to the listening session ...


Try to remove dampers and see what’s there.
Tubes don’t need to be dressed.

Gosh, that’s weird. We’ve known all tubes are microphonic, even tubes that are marked "non-microphonic," for eons. Didn’t you get the memo? The good news is that you’re partially correct (if accidentally) as most dampers do more harm than good.
Frank as I expected.  Nice!  Thank you for trying that. Glad it improved your system
once again. You're like me. I listen very early in morning. It's the only time I have enough energy or lowest pain levels to be able to do so. 
I have to wait until I can be healthy enough to get my Ref40 out of my rack to do this. ☹️

Can't wait now. 

Thx again Frank. You rule brother. 

All the best


Richard ...

AhHa ... another brother suffering from chronic pain. Its hell, but it sure beats the alternative. Music is one way I medicate. 

Hang in there ... 

Thx Frank. It's mine as well. I'm sure like you some days it's too strong to even enjoy music to refocus ourselves and calm our spirits. 

You to as well ill my friend. 

All the best,


We’ve known all tubes are microphonic, even tubes that are marked "non-microphonic," for eons.
True. It's indeed design of tube component that eliminates microphony. 
I'm old-school -- so I do not try to dress tubes.
Czarivey, that quote was mine, actually. Have you tried dressing the tubes in little schoolgirl outfits?  

^^^ Old school here too. However, over the years in the hobby I've discovered that everything vibrates on a micro level. including vacuum tubes. The vibration smears the sound. 

Great advances can be obtained in one's audio system by paying careful attention to these micro-vibrations. The tube dampeners are just one among many ways to treat the micro-vibration beast.

Over the past couple of years I've concentrated on improving the system without buying any more new equipment. The difference between now and two years ago is just astounding.

The next major break-through in our hobby will be in the area of getting micro-arcing in metal to metal electronic connections under control. Believe it or not, they smear the sound in very significant ways.  


Richard ...

If you want to discuss your chronic pain issues with someone who really understands let me know and I'll PM you my phone number. Sometimes good conversation and handy hints help.

Take care, Bud ...

Ohh ... "Little school girl outfits." My, this thread has suddenly taken an interesting turn. *lol*

thank tou for your offer. Please PM
me when you get a chance. 

Thx again for carrying the banner on this this very important subject to get the finest out of our ARC equipment we live so much. 

All the best
