Tube el34

Hello, I'm in the process of upgrading my tube on a Conrad-johnson cav-50. I used Electro-Harmonic at the moment. It is possible to by Match Quad of them. Witch el34 out there is the best sounding? Mullard el34? There a process of cryogenic blabla to -300? is it good?

Thank you for your time

I think JJ's are the new Tesla's.They can be a little bright depending on equipment.The SED "C"logo took over the original Svetlana Made in ST.Petersburg,which is preferred by most audiophiles over the New Sensor Svetlana's.The SED's sound rich and liquidy.Matched Quads should be available in the SED "C" logo,or JJ's .The Cryogenic freezing doesn't have my friends or myself sold.The SED's are also called Winged"C" SED,s. They are both musical for modern tubes also.
A good friend of mine and I are both sold on the new Gold Lion KT77s (new Russian manufacture) as EL34 replacements. He's using them as output tubes; mine are driver tubes in SET monoblocks. Both of us had been using "Holy Grail" Mullard xf1 EL34s prior to switching to the KT77s and find the KT77s way better sounding in all respects after 8 months in his case and 6 months in mine. Just a thought. Dave