Tube info

Looking for suggestions for 12AU7 driver tubes in power amp. Looking for suggestions on NOS but affordable. Thank you in advance!
I have New issue Gold Lion KT-88’s that I bought for my Jolida amp. They have may 100 hrs on them. My understanding was also the driver tubes voice the amp the most. I was under the impression the output tubes have minimal sonic  effect. Once I get them built, I may hit you up. I won’t receive them until Thursday. Thank you for sharing. 
The Gold Lions are nice.

I have quads of GE, RCA, and Ken-Rad domestic and 2 different styles of RFT Germany 12AU7s that are under your budget.

I have some Sylvania and Raytheon pairs and trios, but no matched quads that would also be well below your budget.

My Amperex/Valvo/Mullard/Siemens/Tungsram varieties aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  ;~)
