Tube Integrated Pairing For Harbeth Monitor 30.1

Looking for advice to help a friend who is building a system around a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30.1's. His room is medium/small (14 X 16 X 8)and his listening habits mostly chamber music, jazz and acoustic singer-songwriter with some occasional rock and big band. He wants an integrated tube amp under $3-4K. It will need to have enough power to drive the M30.1's which are 86db sensitive but a fairly easy amplifier load. I'm thinking Cayin or Jolida and would be interested in hearing from those that have used these brands with the Harbeth line. I'd also like to know which models within these brands provide the best value for money and ease of use (i.e. he doesn't want to have to bias the tubes periodically, wants excellent build quality and reliability, etc.). I'm open to other brands but the Jolida and Cayin seem most appropriate from the little research I've done. Your input is appreciated.
A friend who owns the Harbeth M40.1 uses a Leben CS600 tube integrated with the speakers and often rotates it alongside some Naim solid-state amps. The Harbeth sounds lively with the Leben. Unfortunately, used prices of the Leben CS600 are above $4k. No experience with Cayin and Jolida but I guess they should do fine. Perhaps not as poised, delicate or refined as the Leben especially in the treble.

As a side-note, it may be useful to select a tube amp that has an upfront and lively sound as the Harbeth may sound a tad flat or dull(with warmer sounding amps) for rock and big band music due to their inherent character.
I wouldn't even think twice about the Rogue Cronus Magnum. Regardless what anything on the HUG tells you the Harbeths like more power than the 15 watts half those people are throwing at them. The Cronus Magnum will run him around $2100 and then the extra cash should be spent on a good power cord. Later on your friend can get some NOS tubes to play around with but I'd wait awhile. He'll be so floored with the sound he won't be thinking of tubes for awhile. A bonus to this amp is that it's made in Pennsylvania and they answer the phone when you call them and they care. I run the Magnum with C7es3's and I've heard the 30.1's. Perfect match for your friend.
Audio Space make very good tube amps to relatively low cost. I would consider their models AS-8I or Reference 3.1 (KT88 a little cheaper than 300B version). It was Audio Space that made me a tube fan. Please let us know how it ends!

I am personally using Jadis with Harbeth and I can tell you it is absolutely glorious with the genres you are describing. Heavy rock, complex or compressed music is another deal though, solid state or very powerful tube amps are better for that. Good luck and have fun!