Tube Integrated Pairing For Harbeth Monitor 30.1

Looking for advice to help a friend who is building a system around a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30.1's. His room is medium/small (14 X 16 X 8)and his listening habits mostly chamber music, jazz and acoustic singer-songwriter with some occasional rock and big band. He wants an integrated tube amp under $3-4K. It will need to have enough power to drive the M30.1's which are 86db sensitive but a fairly easy amplifier load. I'm thinking Cayin or Jolida and would be interested in hearing from those that have used these brands with the Harbeth line. I'd also like to know which models within these brands provide the best value for money and ease of use (i.e. he doesn't want to have to bias the tubes periodically, wants excellent build quality and reliability, etc.). I'm open to other brands but the Jolida and Cayin seem most appropriate from the little research I've done. Your input is appreciated.
Perhaps consider the little ARC VSi-60. I've heard good things about the synergy with this amp and Harbeth speakers.

I've been using the closely related Audio Research VS-55 to drive Harbeth C7es3's and now M30.1's - I think its a great combination. Tube sound, but with a nod to neutrality. Harbeth's are smooth and natural by nature and don't require any additional euphony to sound right. This amp sounds 'right' on every type of music.

New, the VSi-60 is just above your friends price range, but ARC stuff has stellar build quality and they're one of the few that will likely still be around to back up their product 20+ yrs down the track if required.

The only other sticking point is the manual biasing. This is ridiculously easy on the VSi-60 - external jacks, the same as my VS-55. My VS-55's bias is very stable, but tubes age so this still needs occasional (slight) adjustment to maintain optimum sound quality. It's so quick and easy with this amp it shouldn't be an issue. Typically, self bias amps are wasteful of output power compared to fixed bias (though some amps use the latter with with additional circuitry to auto adjust).
Interesting to see Audio Space was mentioned. I use Audio Space Nova 34 with Harbeth HL5S. Miles better than Audio Research VT100iii. I think they ae the same as AS8i.
The best sounding tube gear I used with both the SHL5 and 40.1 when I had them were from BAT and Manley. I preferred the BAT and would look for a used integrated from either company. The BAT will be tube pre/SS amp hybred.
If anyone comes to to this late. I had harbeths in my main lounge and they have been superseded by tannoy ardens and 15inch goodness. I have leben cs300xs in small lounge same size as OP and just swapped in my 30.1 and replaced the Falcon LS3/5 a 15ohm that were there - blimey it sounded very good--but bear in mind I listen at 45-65db

Think I'll be flogging the falcons
As someone who owned both the Monitor 30’s and the SHL5’s, I think your friend is limiting himself by not considering SS as well as tubes. IMO, amps like the Supernait or even a used Naim 202/200 combo would work very well with the Harbeths. In fact, there is a very nice 202/200 combo up for sale now for about $3500 for the pair.  Takes up no more room than an integrated if you stack.