Tube Power vs Solid State Power

I continually hear Tube power is more powerful than Solid State Power. IE; “A 20 watt tube amp’s power is like a 60 watt Solid State Amp’s Power” and so on… Is this true ???

I always think of the “What’s Heavier, a pound of Feathers or pound of Rocks story?” A pound is a pound right ? 
Maybe someone could offer some thoughts and explain if this is true or not. 
@flasd Distortion at clipping is why this myth persists. Simply put, tubes can overload quite gracefully while transistors cannot. So you can have the musical waveform briefly overload a tube amp and you may not notice. But you will if that happens with solid state! In addition, 3dB isn't much of a difference to the ear, but to an amp its a doubling of power. For this reason a tube amp that overloads gracefully might appear to keep up with a solid state amp of twice the power.

One exception might be when you try to drive certain ESLs or other speakers that have a high impedance. Tubes quite often do not lose power into higher impedance, but all solid state amps will. For example to make a Sound Lab ESL play at a certain volume, you might need a 600 watt solid state amp to do the job in many rooms. Because the Sound Lab has a 30 Ohm impedance in the bass, that solid state amp might be only able to make about 150 Watts. But a 150 Watt tube amp might make 150 Watts into that same load- and so in that case its not myth; the tube power is more powerful.
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personal experiences- an amplifier's output energy has more to do with the design and quality of an amplifier (and preamplifier) than its power rating, tube or solid state, all else being equal. 

I won't go into explaining why but can confirm that tube power has been more powerful in my experience.  I have had Audio Research 110 wpc mono blocks, 75 wpc and a 150 wpc amps, all tube.  Prior to this I had B&K 250 wpc, Parasound 225 wpc, 350wpc and 750 wpc.  The ARC amps all out performed my solid state examples.  If you went up the quality ladder in SS from my modest examples then less watts would have likely equated to more power.  

In the end, does it matter?

You simply have to try out different components and find what works in your system for your ears.
What that WATT sounded like, when it was used, that's a different story.

THEN not all watts are created equal, ay?

Steve Deckert of Decware uses the motto - "If the first watt sucks, why continue?