Tube Pre-amp for Levinson 432

I have a Wadia 830, Levinson 432, and Wilson Sophia 2's. I would really like to add the a tube pre to the Levinson-Wadia combo. I have demoed the Audio Research Ref3 and the sound was magical but the price was a bit much. Suggestions for what would provide system synergy would be appreciated.
Step back a bit to an ARC Ref2 MKII. That will give you most if not all the good you heard with the REF3.

Also, BAT tube preamps work well with Levinson, there is a synergy there, although why not try a 380S or better Levinson preamp?


Paul :-)
Thanks Paul, I tried a Levinson 390s into a Linn Klimax Twin and the sound was not as open as when I used the Audio research Ref3 into the Linn Twin. I have since purchased the 432. I have been curious as to system synergy between the 432 and the 390s without a pre-amp.