Tonywinsc, you bring up many very good questions, and each buyer will have to answer these to their own personal satisfaction. There are no absolute guarantees in life, and sometimes even big name high end companies go out of business, witness Counterpoint, Threshold, etc.
Yes, on average ARC, Krell, VAC, CJ, etc., may be a safer bet than TRL, Doshi, Messenger, Clayton, etc., but they are still a risk, especially when considering the risk/reward scenerio of a Sony/Denon/Marantz purchase. It's a lot like buying stock, you can buy a low risk, low reward stock or be more adventurous and roll the dice on a high risk, high reward stock. That's what makes life interesting, and many people will have many different views on what is right. It all boils down to what is right.....for you, the buyer.
Remember though that all of these high end audio companies are a bit riskier investment than say a Sony, Denon or Marantz. Most of us here gamble to some degree. The only difference is how high of a risk/reward gamble we are willing to take.
Yes, on average ARC, Krell, VAC, CJ, etc., may be a safer bet than TRL, Doshi, Messenger, Clayton, etc., but they are still a risk, especially when considering the risk/reward scenerio of a Sony/Denon/Marantz purchase. It's a lot like buying stock, you can buy a low risk, low reward stock or be more adventurous and roll the dice on a high risk, high reward stock. That's what makes life interesting, and many people will have many different views on what is right. It all boils down to what is right.....for you, the buyer.
Remember though that all of these high end audio companies are a bit riskier investment than say a Sony, Denon or Marantz. Most of us here gamble to some degree. The only difference is how high of a risk/reward gamble we are willing to take.