Tube Pre for Klipschorn

What tube preamp match well with Klipschorns; or should I be going the other way and use a SS pre and tube power amp(s)? If so, what tube power amp is a good match with the khorns (Quicksilver horn amps?). I trying to get rid of as much noise as possible. I'm currently using a Quicksilver fullfunction tube preamp, but it a little too noisy and I'm using a Citation XX SS poweramp.

In days of yore Mr. Mark Levinson used to run K-horns with his 25 watt Class A ML2s (designed principally by John Curl)before he developed the HQD system.

I agree with opinions of the Aleph 5 vs. the small quickilvers above. Marco is right on.

For low noise that sounds like music I would recommend a Pass X-1 or X 2.2(?) and the tube amps of your choice esp. if you can run all balanced. I use an X-1 with a pair of Wolcotts (no you don't need 200 watts) and the combo is quiet and sweetly musical.
You absolutely must check out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The have 60 models of Tube Pre-amps ranging from $350 to $3000. It's been said by many that their entry level Pre-amp beats out a couple of the Audio Research Pre's by a large margin. They also have a large variety of power amps, Dacs, buffers, etc. Even if you opt to get something else,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do yourself a favor and at least check out the site. I think you'll be quite impress. The owner of the company(Albert)hand makes his equipment himself so there's no middleman. I'll be ordering from him in about a month or so.

Good luck.

VAC Sigma integrated amplifiers are wonderful with Khorns.  I run the Sigma 160i.