Tube Pre to mate with Parasound JC-1s & Maggies?

I know variations of this question get asked here endlessly but this is a fairly specific variation & I have relatively limited experience with tubed gear so really do need advice (i.e. this isn't an idle "what's best" post)

I am looking for a quality Tube PreAmp (preferably w/- phonostage but that's not a must) that would match well with a pair of Parasound JC-1 Monoblocks feeding into a pair of modded Magnepan 3.6s. I would be comfortable paying around $2000 used.
Shindo is great stuff. i have heard and deeply respected one of their mid-level pres in my system. Depends on what you want. It is literally one of the most musical pres i have heard...ever. it has a touch of midrange magic that is stunning...though partly because it is a slight bit forward...which you can hear on orchestral when the strings seem more forward than typical. But on, say, Eric Clapton, when Clapton's voice just seems to is quite magical...some would say spellbinding.

The impedance on your amp vs the Shindo is something to doublecheck. i also think you should consider that no Shindo comes with a remote...important for some, less so for others.

Another data point...the number of people who buy shindo and say they have stopped looking...that says a lot to me. good luck and pls keep us posted!
I used the BAT VK-31se with the JC-1s for around a year. Very nice together. It added what IMO the Parasounds lacked, weight and body throughout the freq. range.
Again, many thanks for the helpful input given above. I have questions about two tube preamps not so far mentioned - the Aesthetix Calypso & the Mysteré ca 21. Can anyone give input about how either might fit into my set up? Thanks!