Tube pre to use with Bryston 4BST

Hello Good People -

I am using a BP-25 with my 4BST to power a set of ML SL3's. I love my Brystons but on certain classical & jazz recordings the sound is a little too much 'in my face' to suit my taste.
So - A tube preamp may be in the cards. Any suggestions as to what might take the 'edge' off the 4BST?
BAT has been recommended along with Blue Circle... One caveat, however. I have everything tied together with balanced (XLR) interconnects (including my primary source, a Krell KAV-300) and I do not want to have to invest in RCA cables for the sake of a pre that doesn't have balanced inputs/outputs.
I haven't an unlimited budget - maybe 2500-3000 bucks new or used.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I have a vtl 2.5 tube pre with a bryston 3bst. I love the match. I paired these together on my own, and then found out that several hi-fi shops that carry these two lines also think they mate well. I believe the vtl 5.5 has balanced outs which you need. Good luck
An older BAT VK 3 is a fully balanced pre amp. If you can find one it might fit the bill. Keep in mind this model does not have a remote.
Try Cardas Neutral Reference Speaker Cables, they work very well with the Bryston and give a fuller slightly laid back sound and sound still very, well, "neutral". The Neutral Reference interconnect will also help. Jeff
Not trying to discourage you from tube preamps; I used to run an ARC into my 4Bst and it worked great. BUT your source is a far bigger problem and far more in need of replacement than the BP25. Do yourself a big favor and buy a more musical cd player first.