Tube preamp with great pace?Cary, Supratek, etc.?

I am thinking seriously of moving to a tube preamp with the hope of breathing more life into my system. But I love the rhythmic core of music - call it PRAT, call it whatever - it is what grabs me, involves me, and keeps me up way, way too late listing to old LPs. I am afraid that without good, acurate pace, I don't care how "airy," "organic" or "blooming" the sound is, it just isn't musical to me. But if it can be combined with great pace, the tube sound is exactly what I am looking to add to my system.

So far, I've only been able to borrow a Rogue Magnum 88 to try in my system, and it was just too slow. I am considering a Cary SLP 98P, a Supratek Chenin, or perhaps a Herron VTSP1A/166. If anyone has heard these or any other tube preamp with good pace, please comment. Comparisons between them would be particularly welcome. My price range right now is 2K to 3K used, but if you know of something that is wonderful in this regard that costs more, I still want to hear about it.

There are few tube options available for me to audition in my area, and so generous Audiogoners, your input is greatly appreciated.

P.S. If you live in south-eastern Michigan and have a tube amp you are willing to let me hear, I offer in exchange lunch at the Ann Arbor restaurant of your choice.
I would also recommend the deHavillands. If their preamps are anything like my Ios integrated they have good pacing. It ebbs and flows naturally with the music.
by all means, you're welcome. remember, the top priorities in a club or disco/dj system for prerecorded music is volume and prat. the other qualities of playback take a back seat to both.
I think that many people who see the word PRaT will have a rough idea of what it means, but I also believe that if you haven't heard a properly setup Naim, Linn or Exposure system, you haven't really heard PRaT. I think many people will think about quick agile bass lines, and it is that, but until you have heard even the rata-tat-tat of cymbals making supreme musical sense, you haven't really heard PRaT. I am not trying to tell people what they know or don't know, but this is just my belief based on my own experiences.
the key to prat is matched components. naim, linn, and exposure (and revox, yes revox)have it. any of these companies would recommend 'like' components for best results.