Tube preamp with SS amps and Emerald Physics cs2?

I have read that solid state power amps (such as the Wyred4Sound amps) work well with these speakers. How would a high quality tubed preamp (say Shindo or Leben) sound with such a set-up? Would it match well and give the anticipated benefits of the preamp (shindo) sound, or would it be a poor match and a mask the quality of the preamp? In other words, would it let a high-quality tubed preamp shine fully? (Don't know too much about how DSP and/or solid state power amps would affect the sound.) Thanks.
I used an ARC tube preamp with my Wyred4Sound amp and the combo was great. The Wyred4Sound amp has a special circuit which allows it to work well with the output impedances of tube preamps. I now use the Spectrum Ambrosia preamp (which Walter at Underwood recommends)because of its excellent MM/MC phono stage.
Hi Tasos1 and others on this thread;

I am finally about to pull the trigger on the CS2's and the W4S 125 and 250 stereo's after a number of months had passed since my 2 channel upgrade train derailed off the track about a year ago.

I am looking to combine my analog and multiple digital sources into a good preamp with a good inboard or outboard DAC so I stumbled upon the Peachtree Nova as a good inexpensive preamp with reportedly a killer DAC and with the built-in tube preamp to add, I hope, the right mix to the SS W4S amps. Any thoughts on this combination from CS2 owners who have posted their approval of SET amps and Tube Pre’s?

I look forward to a lively discussion,

I have used Atma-Sphere MA-1's on the both the tweeters and woofers of the CS2's with very good results. I have also used a McAlister PP-150 on the tweeter. So tubes can definitely be used with the CS2's.

The best combination I have tried to date is running a Spectron Musician 3 MK II SE amp on the woofers, with the Atma-Sphere MA-1's on the tweeter.

The issue with using tubes on the CS2's is that due to their sensitivity, they will easily pick up any noise coming from your tube amps. A little hum or buzz that would never be noticeable on a high 80's low 90's sensitivity speaker, can be VERY annoying with the CS2's.

As for the preamp, can't help too much there as I don't use one with my highly modified and upgraded DCX. However, I do recall that Clayton used the Modwright LS36.5 tubed preamp at RMAF 2007 when I first became enthralled with the CS2's...


Thanks for your input on your ownership with the CS2's. Hearing from owners with their experiences before actually purchasing a speaker that has no retailers from an audition perspective is immensely beneficial. To get the potential sonic benefits that these speakers can provide given their monetary expenditure is huge and very attractive for me as for others.

I was looking at the Spectrum amps when I was considering purchasing the MBL 121’s and 116’s, but I did not consider this amp for the CS2’s. I was also looking at the a couple of the variations of the Modwright pre’s and may very well end up there. But given my current budget; I was trying to hit a couple of my audio hot spots on my wish list with a single purchase with the Peachtree Nova

As always; with the individuals who I have corresponded with on Audiogon as opposed to other audiophile sights; the information has been forthcoming and honest.

It is a pleasure to be in the midst of this level of expertise and experience with a huge amount of audio equipment from the relatively common place to the stratosphere.

