Tube Preamps?

For a few years, I have been "bottom feeding" with a NAD 1135 preamp. Even though it's old, it has served me well. Now, however, I am thinking seriously about going into the used tube preamp market.

I am looking for a tube preamplifier that would sound good with my current gear, which consists of: B&K 140 amp, Vandersteen 2C speakers, a Music Hall TT, a Denon CD player, and ~10,000 LPs. I have been considering an ARC SP-9, a big old Macintosh, etc.

I am wavering on how much to spend. My ultimate goal is to be able to play my LPs, and to port them all over to my PC as lossless digital files.

I now have a NAD 1155 preamp, and wonder how much of a difference it would make by saving up for a really good preamp.

Should I spend $100 or $1000? I'm unsure.

I read all the reviews in Abso!ute Sound, and Stereophile. The models did seem to vary quite a bit. The SP-9 seems to have attained "classic" status, however. As did the LP-12, Quad 63s, etc.

Classic status should go to the ARC SP-8MK2 preamp. The ARC
preamps are great builds and their service is outstanding.
To me the Audilbe Illusions 3A used is considered one of the best full function preamps ever made. Of course waiting for service could be a while. But their failure rate is a very low percentage. All the best...